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Feed items 1 - 5 of 5 for December 2006

TheSpringBox 1.1.3 - December 21, 2006

Hey Guys. Today we've got an update of our desktop platform for you. Most of the updates are purely cosmetic, but we hope they will improve you SpringWidgets experience:Visual UpdatesLock your widgets on your screenPerformance updatesWidgets are now stored under My DocumentsHappy Holidays Everyone,- The SpringWidgets Team

Kinara widget for Kwanzaa is here! - December 13, 2006

We're finished the Kinara widget for Kwanzaa!!!! A new candle is lit for each day of Kwanzaa. Click on "Get this widget" to put it on your page!Get this widget!

The Menorah for Hanukkah is also available . . . - December 13, 2006

Here's the Menorah for Hanukkah!!!! A new candle is added and lit for each day of Hanukkah. You can choose from a variety of candles and Menorah colors. I've made this one silver with blue candle, but just click the "Get this widget" to configure in your own way and embed on your page . . . Thank you Drew and Lani and Michael for creating these great looking holiday treats!Get this widget!

We hit a million . . . and counting . . . - December 5, 2006

We just had to share . . . SpringWidgets has had over One Million widgets viewed on webpages in less than a month - YEAH!!!! - and we're trending upward daily.While that may not seem like a lot to some and is certainly a relative number depending upon your comparison group - we're are definitely pleased. It means you're enjoying the widgets, pasting them to your pages and others are enjoying your modifications by doing the same.Don't forget to check out the widget gallery from time to time . ...

Check out our Christmas Tree widget!! - December 5, 2006

We thought everyone could use a Christmas Tree widget that counts down the days (like you need more reminding of how fast it is approaching)!Go to the Christmas Tree page on the site http:springwidgets.comwidgetsview46 to get your own tree for your page or to pop to your desktop. It can be configured to your liking. We're working on a Menorah and Kwanzaa also . . . keep checking back! Get this widget!
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