War on VenezuelaNews about America's war on VenezuelaAssassination Teams Begin Targeting Venezuela Pres...- May 25, 2006 Assassination Teams Begin Targeting Venezuela President (Sorcha Faal, 23 May 2006) While American propaganda has successfully diverted their citizens attention towards Iran and the Middle East, Russian Intelligence Analysts are reporting today that the Mihttp://www.matrixmasters.com/blog/venezulaarchive/2006_05_01_archivevenezuelawar.html#1148... New Estimate of Venezuela's Total Oil Reserves Mak...- May 25, 2006 New Estimate of Venezuela's Total Oil Reserves Makes It the Grandest of Grandest Prizes for US (Stephen Lendman, OpEdNews.com, 23 May 2006) I just finished reading an important new book the author's publisher sent me, which I'll shortly be reviewing for phttp://www.matrixmasters.com/blog/venezulaarchive/2006_05_01_archivevenezuelawar.html#1148... |