SQL Server PerformanceAll PostsBehaviour of indexes when restoring a backup- September 17, 2008 I back up databases by using the SQLS wizard (Sequel Server 2005). Occasionally, I need to restore the backup onto a different computer. When I do this, all indexes are present but I have noticed that performance tends to be quite slow. I am wondering if the indexes are actually working under this scenario - that is, if an indexed table generated on computer x is backed up and then restored to computer y, will the indexes still work properly or should I drop and re-create themThanks.Chrishttp://sql-server-performance.com/Community/forums/thread/151288.aspx Single full text query takes about 7 seconds on a simple small table...- September 17, 2008 Hello, I have a simple query in a stored procedure that matches on a table of about 12,000 rows and 20 columns containing strings. The search is performed using conditional CONTAINS (). The execution of queries in development environment with SQL Server 2005 takes about 100-200ms for each row, while in production environment, the same query executed on the same data with SQL Server 2008 takes about 7 seconds (!!!) Is there a solutionhttp://sql-server-performance.com/Community/forums/thread/151278.aspx trigger help needed- September 17, 2008 I m using SQL server 2005, i want to apply a trigger after insert, update that will update a tinyint column "IsUpdated" to 1but when it will update that column will that trigger be fired again.I mean my custom application will read that column and will pick only updated records then it will mark that column zero again after getting databut that trigger will update them again .....how can i control thatCreate TRIGGER dbo.IsUpdated ON ...http://sql-server-performance.com/Community/forums/thread/151270.aspx Dynamic sql with cursors- September 17, 2008 Hi there, I have 2 cursors in one stored procedure. One cursor create the temp table and other cursor inserts the values in that temp table. Both cursors are using dynamic sql to perform the create and inserts. Now second cursor is not able to find the temp table created in first cursor and giving out the error. Can some one please advice how to work around this issue. Thanks!http://sql-server-performance.com/Community/forums/thread/151266.aspx Left Outer Join- September 16, 2008 Hi there, I have 2 tables with foreign key relationship. I am trying to get all the orders for all the customers.In case customer does not have any order it should still be giving result with Null in order field.I am using Left Outer Join but i am not getting result for the customers who dont have any orders. Any clue Thanks!http://sql-server-performance.com/Community/forums/thread/151260.aspx Split index from data or spread data and indexes over multiple files- September 16, 2008 I&39;ve seen a lot of opinions about the value of putting non-clustered indexes on a different disk then data. I can also see the value of having multiple data files in a file group, each on a separate disk. It would be great if I could do both, but with limited resources I need to pick the best scenario.Parameters: 2 disks, each RAID 5 Log file is already on a separate RAID 10 disk Load is OLTP - 80% reads, 20% writes Database is 60 GB 8...http://sql-server-performance.com/Community/forums/thread/151253.aspx Memory Related- September 16, 2008 Hello, RAM is 32GB. Memory allocated to SQL Server is 30GB. AWE is enabled.What should the Performance Counter - &39;Total Memory&39; for the SQL Server displayAlso, what should &39;Committed&39; on execution &39;dbcc memorystatus&39; displayDoesn&39;t &39;Hashed&39; and &39;Free&39; from &39;dbcc memorystatus&39; help to determine the amount of &39;Used&39; and Available&39; Buffers Don&39;t require an explanation of the above just what the stats should display. Thank...http://sql-server-performance.com/Community/forums/thread/151238.aspx How to Design a databse in SQL Server 20052008 ( data base size approx. 15 Peta byte)- September 16, 2008 1. Is SQL server handle 15 petabytes of Database size If possible then please help me how to design the database in SQL Server ( including Clustering , Load balancing etc..)http://sql-server-performance.com/Community/forums/thread/151225.aspx Complex Query- September 16, 2008 Hi there, We are using a internal application to create the forms. Form creater have provided with form fields which he can drag and drop into forms. There are 3 separtate tables tblForms,tblFields and mapping table tblFormFields. Now i want all the information in one row about one form so that Field label become the header of result and field value become the rows. Can someone please give some headsup. Thanks!!http://sql-server-performance.com/Community/forums/thread/151217.aspx Alerting on Database Mirroring Events- September 11, 2008 I wish to monitor and log the db monitoring state event .I tried with the link http:www.microsoft.comtechnetprodtechnolsql2005mirroringevents.mspx Script Sample - Record Database Mirroring State Changes It is raising the alerts but it is not saving into a table I have checked token replacement in sql agent properties alerts link. Let me know any script that i can use to log the mirroring state changes to a table Thankshttp://sql-server-performance.com/Community/forums/thread/151064.aspx |