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Feed items 1 - 8 of 8 for December 2005

Web Hosting Articles

Articles, tips and news on web hosting, including dedicated servers, colocation and virtual hosting

Temperature Conversion Program in Java - December 27, 2005

Here's a simple program to convert temperatures between degrees Celcius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin written in Java. There's no GUI used here - all output is done via the command line. The forumulae for the conversions were obtained from Temperature conversion forumlas on Wikipedia

Image Roation with PHP - December 21, 2005

This tutorial will show you how to rotate an image in your PHP scripts. You'll need to have the GD library installed to be able to use some of the functions we use in this guide, though this is included with most PHP installations so there's a chance you'll have it. Image rotation in PHP is handled by a function called imagerotate(), which takes three parameters (and optionally a fourth, which deals with transparency and is beyond the scope of this guide). The first is the resource identifier..

How To Add A New Line in a C or Visual Basic TextBox - December 21, 2005

If you're building a Windows Form Application, for example with C or Visual Basic, then you may need to add a new line character, for example in a multiline TextBox. You do this using Enviroment.NewLine to insert the line break as follows: textBox1.Text="First Line" + Environment.NewLine + "Second Line"; My preferred use is with the += operator in C: textBox1.Text = "Line One"; textBox1.Text += Environment.NewLine; textBox1.Text += "Line Two"; This way,.

Finding Items in an Array with PHP - December 21, 2005

The problem: we have an array of items in PHP and we want to find out if a specific item is in the array. In code we can define the array as: < create an array of strings called $fruitBasket: $fruitBasket = array( "Apple", "Orange", "Mango", "Lemon", "Pear" ); > IE we have an array called $fruitBasket which contains 5 strings, each of which is the name of a fruit. We want to find out if there is an Apple in the $fruitBasket - is there an.

The Difference Between require() and include() - December 21, 2005

The key difference between require() and include() is that if you require() a file that can't be loaded (eg if it isn't there) then it generates a fatal error which will halt the execution of the page completely, and no more output will be generated. On the other hand, if you include() a file that can't be loaded, then this will merely generate a warning and continue building the page. What one you should use depends on the situation; require() is best suited for loading files that are...

Yahoo! Webhosting Integrates Movable Type - December 15, 2005

Yahoo! Web Hosting now includes Movable Type by default, as Six Apart (the folks behind Movable Type) revealed today. This includes automatic installation and upgrades to the latest Movable Type versions. However, it's not too clear which license of Movable Type applies (there are several, ranging from free for personal use to commercial ones) and what degree of technical support is available.

Web Hosting Terminology - December 8, 2005

This article will define what various terms used by web hosting companies mean. It's not possible (and sometimes insulting to the reader) to cover everything so this will just cover the most commonly used and important terms. Bandwidth (or Transfer or Data Transfer) Bandwidth is the amount of traffic that is sent (and recieved) by your website. It is usually measured in gigabytes (GB), where 1 GB = 1024 megabytes (MB), and it is usually allocated on a monthly basis, for example you could have..

Dedicated Servers: A Summary - December 8, 2005

What is dedicated hosting This is a server which is owned by the hosting company which they will rent out to you for a monthly fee along with an allotment of bandwidth which you can use with it. This means that you get a whole server to yourself to use for what you desire, this is needed for scripts which use a lot of server resources (for example large message boards, for one of which I pay for a dedicated server). As a customer, you would have full control over the server and could change the.
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