The Gun Toting LiberalAmerican Politics -- Slightly Left Of Center... But This blog is DIFFERENT!Factcheck Time: Al Gore Invented The Internets; Seor J. Sidney McCain Invented The Blackberries- September 16, 2008 McCain Para l President Economic Adviser, Douglas Holtz-Eakin, Says Without J. Sidney of Arizona Panama, There Would Be No Blackberries A clearly impressed and befuddled Jonathan Martin of The Politico brings us up-to-date on just how Republican nominee para l President, Seor McCain, who... This is only a comment summary. Visit to view the lastest content complete with some of the most outrageous original photoshops in the political blogosphere! Et Tu, FoxNews And Karl Rove Then Fall, Seor McCain!- September 15, 2008 Two Days, Two Separate FoxNews Anchors -Slash- Analysts Call Upon The Seor J. Sidney McCain Campaign To Stop The Lies And Clean Up Their Campaign &8212; Karl Rove Yesterday; FoxNews Babe Megyn Kelly Today That&8217;s right, folks &8212; when the New York wing of the White House press corp,... This is only a comment summary. Visit to view the lastest content complete with some of the most outrageous original photoshops in the political blogosphere! Insider Stuff: Todd Palins Secret Revealed- September 15, 2008 Readers Ask: &8220;Is Todd Palin a hulking, lumbering giant of a man&8221; Here At The GTL, We Bring You The Answer Actually, I consider this to be more of a &8220;PSA&8221; (Public Service Announcement) than an &8220;insider secret&8221; since my top search term, aside from &8220;Sara... This is only a comment summary. Visit to view the lastest content complete with some of the most outrageous original photoshops in the political blogosphere! MSM To The Rescue: 84 Year Old Seor Juan Sidney McCain Isnt Internets Illiterate; He Just Cant Type Because Hes A War Hero With Limited Usage Of Fing- September 15, 2008 Seor McCain of Arizona Panama Para l President Campaign And MSM &8220;Buds and Buddettes&8221; Go BALLISTIC, Over Obama-Biden Jabs (Source: ABC&8217;s Jake Tapper&8217;s Polical Punch) At Ancient &8220;War Hero&8217;s&8221; Inability To Operate Computers Or Answer... This is only a comment summary. Visit to view the lastest content complete with some of the most outrageous original photoshops in the political blogosphere! Karl Rove: You Cant Trust FactCheck.Org And John McCain Should Stop Lying In His Campaign Ads- September 14, 2008 Takes One To Know One: Serial Liar Says McCain Ads Go To Far Over The Edge Of Truth With the amount of satire and irony I use on this website, one might imagine I&8217;m making this up for a laugh or two, but these are actual points made by the the king of sleaze himself, Karl ... This is only a comment summary. Visit to view the lastest content complete with some of the most outrageous original photoshops in the political blogosphere! Sarah Palins Visit To Iraq Was Cut Short; So Short, She Never Even There In The First Place- September 14, 2008 Distortions Of The Truth Quickly Beginning To Derail Seor John Sidney McCain&8217;s Straight Talk Express The &8220;New Kind Of Campaign&8221; Seor McCain of Arizona Panama had promised us has, indeed, turned out to be a &8220;New Kind Of Campaign&8221; at that. I&8217;ve seen some FILTHY... This is only a comment summary. Visit to view the lastest content complete with some of the most outrageous original photoshops in the political blogosphere! Saturday Morning Guest Post Oklahoma Charlie Takes It To We Lefties- September 13, 2008 Editor&8217;s Note &8211; This post is a guest post written by Oklahoma Charlie, or &8220;Chuck&8221; as we have known him for years in the comments sections of this site &8212; yep, that same &8220;Chuck&8221; who&8217;s always taking we &8220;Lefties&8221; to task. Chuck had a few... This is only a comment summary. Visit to view the lastest content complete with some of the most outrageous original photoshops in the political blogosphere! Question: Was Sarah Palin Stumped By Charles Gibsons ABC Interview Question About The Bush Doctrine- September 13, 2008 Answer: Who In The Dickens, Standing In HER Shoes WOULDN&8217;T Be Hey now, folks &8212; let&8217;s be FAIR here &8212; Sarah Palin is somewhat &8220;new&8221; to the whole &8220;Bush Doctrine&8221; thing; she&8217;s more familiar, of course, with the &8220;Seor Juan Sidney McCain Para... This is only a comment summary. Visit to view the lastest content complete with some of the most outrageous original photoshops in the political blogosphere! The GTLs NFL Picks Week 2, 2008- September 12, 2008 Last Year: 176-90 (.662) Last Week: 7-9 (.438) This Year: 7-9 (.438) Throughout The Years &8212; Click HERE&8230; GTL&8217;s NFL Picks, Week Two, 2008 &8211;YOUCH! Opening weekend was just as painful for MOI (and yep &8212; part French and proud OF it) as it was for Tennessee&8217;s Vince... This is only a comment summary. Visit to view the lastest content complete with some of the most outrageous original photoshops in the political blogosphere! Sarah Palin In ABC News Interview: It Might Just Be Time To Go Kick Some Russian BUTT!- September 11, 2008 UPDATE BELOW (ATTN., ANDREW SULLIVAN AND READERS), 11:30 PM, CST &8212; Friday, 12SEP08&8230; Sarah Palin Warns Charles Gibson She, Too Is A &8220;Hardliner&8221; &8220;You mess with the USA or our allies and you get your BUTT KICKED up around your ears!&8221; has been the mantra of both... This is only a comment summary. Visit to view the lastest content complete with some of the most outrageous original photoshops in the political blogosphere! |