TED Theme: Is There a God?While TED has no official stance on religion, speakers do occasionally venture (bravely) into this contentious territory. At TED's 2006 conference, best-selling author and pastor Rick Warren argued that an exceptional life must be driven by spiritual purpose. But he was immediately challenged by atheist philosopher Dan Dennett, who argued that Warren's claims couldn't be true. (If you're feeling courageous, you can join this ongoing debate on our forum, at right.)2008 TED Prize wish: Charter for Compassion- March 17, 2008 People want to be religious, says scholar Karen Armstrong; we should act to help make religion a force for harmony. She asks the TED community to help her build a Charter for Compassion -- to help restore the Golden Rule as the central global religious dohttp://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/karen_armstrong_makes_her_ted_prize_wish_the_charter_fo... |