Walker Properties LLCI am a Huntsville, Alabama-based realtor who deals with residential, commercial, multifamily, land/lots and rental real estate. My company, Walker Properties LLC, also redevelops commercial properties.Real Estate Trends in Huntsville, Ala.- February 25, 2008 2008 is shaping up to be a "shake-out year" in the Huntsville, AL. real estate market. As home inventories have risen, we are seeing a lot more "personal" marketing of properties among real estate professionals. If you survive this year, I think that 2009 will be a banner year. Many builders have brought a record number of new homes and developments on line ahead of BRAC, for those of you not in the Huntsville area, BRAC is the Base closure and re-alignment project that is pumping over 4,000...http://bwalkerllc.com/2008/02/2008-shake-out-year.html |