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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for August 2004

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corporate and govt cover ups influence etc - August 14, 2004

http:www.ewg.orgissuesPFCs20040812index.phpFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: Lauren Sucher, 202667-6982August 12, 2004DuPont Sticks To DenialsIn Teflon Pollution ProbeEWG Calls for Swift Imposition of Maximum FineWASHINGTON Repeating arguments it advanced last year and which have since been rejected by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), DuPont today denied that it had illegally suppressed birth defect and water pollution studies for 17 years as its Teflon-related chemical contaminated...

privacy alertsnews tips - August 11, 2004

Internet ScamBusters &153;The 1 Publication on Internet FraudBy Audri and Jim LanfordC o p y r i g h t Audri and Jim Lanford.All rights reserved.Issue 88 August 11, 2004++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++9 Tips On How To Complain So You Get The Results You Want++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++As a consumer, there's bound to be a time when you feel thatyou received really bad customer service, or that you needto return something that isn't working,...
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