TexasTexas is a state of the United States of America located in the country's Southern and Southwestern regions. With an area of 678,051 km? (261,797 mi?) and a population of 23.5 million in 254 counties, the state is second-largest in both area, behind Alaska, and population, behind California. About half the state's population resides in either the Dallas-Fort Worth or Houston metropolitan areas. The state's name derives from a word in the Caddoan language of the Hasinai, t?ysha?,...Tourism Commission to meet in new Gallup visitor center- September 16, 2008 The New Mexico Tourism Commission will hold its next meeting on Sept. 19 at the new Manuelito Visitor Information Center, 16.7 miles west of Gallup on Interstate 40.http://www.bizjournals.com/albuquerque/stories/2008/09/15/daily13.html?ana=from_rss Galveston- September 16, 2008 It's really hard reading this story about Galveston's current state. In this ruined city, reduced to such an unlivable state that its mayor wants all remaining residents gone, searchers made their way through ...http://www.offthekuff.com/mt/archives2/2008/09/012442.html Land sale questions asked - Durant Daily Democrat- September 16, 2008 From left, Stephen Willis, director of the newly created Freinds of Lake Texoma State Park, Joe Custer, lake manager from the U.S. Army Corp. of Engineers, Denison, Texas, and Bryce Todd, regional manager from the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation ...http://www.durantdemocrat.com/articles/2008/09/16/news/doc48cfd955832ce375212419.txt Brewster commissioners analyze aftermath of Union Pacific gas leak - Alpine Avalanche- September 16, 2008 Brewster County Commissioners heard some frightening figures at Mondays meeting, but they also heard some truly positive ones. Tom Santry, emergency management coordinator, recapped the Aug. 30 incident in which argon gas leaked from three Union ...http://alpineavalanche.com/articles/2008/09/16/front/front03.txt S.C. gas crunch brings restrictions- September 16, 2008 South Carolina drivers continued paying high prices for gas when they could find it Monday and the governor ordered some agencies to halt travel as the aftermath of Hurricane Ike continued to squeeze the state.http://www.aikenstandard.com/m1096-BC-SC-GasPrices-SC-3rdLd-Writethru-09-15-0842 U.S. Sports Film Festival Announces First Set of Landmark Films to be ...- September 16, 2008 Classic Films by Producer Mark Ciardi, Including Invincible, The Rookie and Miracle, Along with Debuts of Films on Baseball, Basketball and Mixed Martial Arts Among First Set of Titles Announced Today.http://www.pr.com/press-release/105745 Cities suing travel sites- September 16, 2008 Four Panhandle cities could see big returns as part of a class-action lawsuit against online travel Web sites the city of San Antonio claims is cheating Texas municipalities of hotel-motel taxes.http://www.amarillo.com/stories/091608/new_news5.shtml Sather launches write-in candidacy- September 16, 2008 Longtime local businessman and green-building advocate Don Sather will make a write-in bid for a county commissioner seat in the Nov.http://www.summitdaily.com/article/20080916/NEWS/809159951/-1/rss07 As skies clear, relief efforts and anxious evacuees in Texas- September 16, 2008 HOUSTON : The government began distributing tons of food and water to residents across southeast Texas on Monday, and long lines formed as people who have been coping without power searched for necessities.http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/09/16/america/16ike.php Cuba says Gustav, Ike did $5 billion damage- September 16, 2008 Gustav and Ike together delivered the worst hurricane-related blow in Cuba's storm-battered history, causing US$5 billion in damages, the communist government said Monday night.http://www.pr-inside.com/cuba-says-gustav-ike-did-r808039.htm |