TexasTexas is a state of the United States of America located in the country's Southern and Southwestern regions. With an area of 678,051 km? (261,797 mi?) and a population of 23.5 million in 254 counties, the state is second-largest in both area, behind Alaska, and population, behind California. About half the state's population resides in either the Dallas-Fort Worth or Houston metropolitan areas. The state's name derives from a word in the Caddoan language of the Hasinai, t?ysha?,...Fact Check: McCain-Palin energy figure inflated- September 17, 2008 Republican presidential candidate John McCain and running mate Sarah Palin, Alaska's governor, say her state's production of one-fifth of the country's domestic energy supply is an important credential to put ...http://www.boston.com/news/politics/2008/articles/2008/09/16/fact_check_mccain_palin_energ... Border Crossing Must-Knows- September 17, 2008 Getting into Mexico is fairly simple for 99 percent of air travelers and cruise passengers; entry fees are included in the price of your ticket, required documents are distributed on board and staff is ...http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2008/09/17/mexicomix091708.DTL&type=t... Come on down, the price is right - " or is it- September 17, 2008 The title of this column is a snappy slogan most of us are familiar with. It denotes a bargain just too good to miss - " or does it When applied to a product, bargains are easy to define: you simply compare ...http://www.bclocalnews.com/vancouver_island_north/campbellrivermirror/business/28474294.ht... Fact Check: McCain-Palin energy figure inflated - Boston Globe- September 17, 2008 WASHINGTON Republican presidential candidate John McCain and running mate Sarah Palin, Alaska's governor, say her state's production of one-fifth of the country's domestic energy supply is an important credential to put them in the White House ...http://www.boston.com/news/politics/2008/articles/2008/09/16/fact_check_mccain_palin_energ... Hudson 400th, Calif. jumping frog event and Ga. cherry blossom festival on top 100 events list- September 17, 2008 The 400th anniversary of Henry Hudson's river voyage, a jumping frog event in California and a Georgia cherry blossom festival are among the events on the American Bus Association's top 100 list for 2009.http://www.mytelus.com/travel/article.do?pageID=home&articleID=2996889 Speedboats speed through Coosa River's liquid quarter-mile- September 17, 2008 Paul Freeman of McMinville, Tenn., roar through the start during qualifying runs in the Modified Production class Sunday afternoon in the ODBA Rumble on the Coosa speedboat races.http://www.thewetumpkaherald.com/articles/2008/09/16/sports/sports02.txt Fitch Rates Arlington, Texas' (Dallas Cowboys Complex) $175MM Special Tax Bonds 'A'- September 16, 2008 Fitch Ratings assigns its 'A' rating to the Arlington, Texas' approximate $175.0 million Dallas Cowboys Complex tax-exempt special tax bonds, series 2008.http://www.businesswire.com/portal/site/topix/index.jsp?ndmViewId=news_view&newsId=200... Fitch Rates Arlington, Texas' (Dallas Cowboys Complex) $175MM Special ... - Forbes- September 16, 2008 Fitch Ratings assigns its 'A' rating to the Arlington, Texas' (the city) approximate $175.0 million Dallas Cowboys Complex tax-exempt special tax bonds, series 2008. In addition, Fitch affirms the 'A' rating on the city's $113.6 million tax-exempt ...http://www.forbes.com/businesswire/feeds/businesswire/2008/09/16/businesswire2008091600664... Benchmark Hospitality International Names Wende Blumberg General...- September 16, 2008 Benchmark Hospitality International Names Wende Blumberg General Manager for Mission Inn Resort & Club, Howey-in-the-Hills, Florida .http://www.hotel-online.com/News/PR2008_3rd/Sept08_WBlumberg.html Tourism Commission to meet in new Gallup visitor center - New Mexico Business Weekly- September 16, 2008 Renovated visitor's center reopens near Gallup New visitor center will greet I-40 travelers HB 500: NM ranks fourth for most Hispanic-owned firms The New Mexico Tourism Commission will hold its next meeting on Sept. 19 at the new Manuelito Visitor ...http://albuquerque.bizjournals.com/albuquerque/stories/2008/09/15/daily13.html |