Avenal NewsLocal news for Avenal, CA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Bomb scare briefly shuts down courts- May 30, 2008 All Kings County courtrooms were closed for approximately half an hour Thursday morning after a bomb scare, said Jeff Lewis, chief deputy courts executive officer for Kings County Superior Court.http://www.topix.net/city/avenal-ca/2008/05/bomb-scare-briefly-shuts-down-courts?fromrss=1 Week's temps could hit 90s- May 14, 2008 "They tend to fluctuate between the mid-70s and low 90s." Temperatures will rise into the upper 90s by the end of the week, forecasters predict. via Visalia Times-Deltahttp://www.topix.net/city/avenal-ca/2008/05/weeks-temps-could-hit-90s?fromrss=1 Wanda's Picks May 7, 2008- May 12, 2008 Happy Birthday to Abdullah Sabir. You can vote now! I hope you're registered. Adbullah is TaSin and Bilaliyah's brother. via San Francisco Bay Viewhttp://www.topix.net/city/avenal-ca/2008/05/wandas-picks-may-7-2008?fromrss=1 NTSB Issues Prelim On Citation Mustang Runway Departure Accident- May 3, 2008 Pilot Says PFD, Autopilot Failed En Route, Was 'Fatigued' On Landing Editor's Note: Sometimes, a runway departure accident isn't just a runway departure accident. via Aero-News Networkhttp://www.topix.net/city/avenal-ca/2008/05/ntsb-issues-prelim-on-citation-mustang-runway-... |