Thoughts From Inside The EtherContegixians Thoughts and NewsAutomatic Upgrades: Yay or Nay- June 30, 2008 We&8217;re often asked at Contegix, &8220;Do you perform automatic upgrades of Application XYZ&8221;, and are answer is always emphatically, &8220;No&8221;. This tends to spark some debate, since we do tend to perform RHEL updates automatically. First, let&8217;s define &8220;automatic&8221;, because obviously we&8217;re not shutting down instancesservers without explicit permission from you or your team. In ... Go-Go Gadget Hyperic!- June 5, 2008 We&8217;ve spoken in the past about Hyperic monitoring, and the roll out of this application to our managed customers. I felt that Hyperic is so slick it deserved more lip service. Some of our customers have already been given access to our monitoring system, and from the feedback we&8217;ve received it would appear they&8217;re quite ... |