The Feedity BlogOn Feedity, RSS, and Data Mining on the WebZeitgeist RSS- June 28, 2008 RSS has come a long way, from a simple news delivery channel in the consumer space to driving the backbone information delivery for enterprise and government platforms. However, a lot of Internet users still don&8217;t know about RSS and its cool benefits. In 2007, RSS was the 3rd most searched for &8220;what is&8221; term on Google. ... Top Australian Web 2.0 Application- June 19, 2008 featured a review of Feedity on their website, as we continue work on the next stable release of Feedity due in the next week or so. Here in Australia, the Future Exploration Network (operated by Ross Dawson), launched an event to feature the Top Australian Web 2.0 Applications. Guess what, Feedity made it to the ... Government web sites should focus on RSS, not redesigns- June 5, 2008 A new paper from researchers at Princeton University suggests that government agencies should abandon the dream of developing fancy or usable web sites, and instead focus on providing raw public data such as regulatory decisions, campaign finance data etc. in open, structured formats such as RSS and XML. This raw data would be made freely ... |