The String Coffee TableA Group Blog on PhysicsSynthetic Transitions- July 28, 2006 On deriving 2-connection transition laws using synthetic differential geometry. Quillen's Superconnections -- Functorially- July 26, 2006 On how to interpret the superconnections appearing on braneanti-brane configurations in terms of functorial transport. K-Theory for Dummies, II- July 26, 2006 Some remarks on K-theory and D-branes. Brodzki, Mathai, Rosenberg & Szabo on D-Branes, RR-Fields and Duality- July 20, 2006 Mathai et al give a detailed analysis of the nature of D-branes, RR-charges and T-duality using and extending the topologicalalgebraic machinery known from "topological T-duality". 2-Palatini- July 19, 2006 Some remarks on formulations of (super)gravity in terms of n-connections. Herbst, Hori & Page on Equivalence of LG and CY- July 18, 2006 Hori and Herbst on equivalence of Landau-Ginzburg and Calabi-Yau TFT models using gauged linear sigma models. Gomi on Reps of p-Form Connection Quantum Algebras- July 14, 2006 Gomi on the construction of projective unitary reps of centrally extended groups of p-form connections. Seminar on 2-Vector Bundles and Elliptic Cohomology, VI- July 13, 2006 More detials on elliptic curves, formal groups and "classical" elliptic cohomology. |