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Feed items 1 - 6 of 6 for November 2007

Terran Resistance

A Fictional Scifi blog where others can join and affect the story at anytime.

More Proof I'm Always Right - November 30, 2007

Alex Chou's Log for: 1212352 18:45The stealth fighters reported back their findings. There is an ambush waiting for us on the other side of both warp points. I guess they learned from our Volga escape. If it hadn't been for the fact that we sent our fighters ahead of us, we could've fallen for the trap. You know, this has got to be the third or maybe even the fourth time I've saved the Constant from Commander Cortez's foolishness, but does Cortez acknowledge it No! He acts like it's my..

Proof I'm Always Right - November 28, 2007

Alex Chou's Log for: 1202352 20:19Hot Damn, we did it! It's taken us almost 3 days of 'round-the-clock drills, but we did it. This crew and ship can be ready for combat in 1 minute and 53 seconds. After Creyer was keeping the time and after he announced the prep time everyone in the command center cheered. I cast a brief glance at Cheng and Steele during the celebrating. Earlier in the morning Lee and Steele started openly questioning if it was possible to meet my 2 minute goal. It's very.

Women in Combat - November 26, 2007

Alex Chou's Log for: 1192352 20:39My first semester at University was the hardest for me. I was only there because I didn't know where else to go. Most of the people there were nice, but I soon found out that not everyone understood my traditionalist upbringing. My beliefs got me into a lot of trouble. The first time it happened was on the first day of my first class. It was an early Earth history class. The professor kept going on and on about different gender roles and how it's so...

Make Everyone hate you in 10 easy steps. - November 21, 2007

Alex Chou's Log for: 1192352 2:39I've discovered the secret to becoming the most hated person on a spaceship. Step 1: Wait until everyone who outranks you dies and become Captain by default. Step 2: Change around people's roles without asking for their input. Step 3: Work your crew to the breaking point and possibly even death. Step 4: Change peoples roles around -- again! Step 5: Run a standard drill. Step 6: Berate your crew for doing poorly. Step 7: Run the drill..

Keep drilling until it's right - November 20, 2007

Alex Chou's Log for: 1182352 19:25How many times does a person have to do something before they get it right So far, the answer is more than 6. Running the exact same drill 6 times and people still don't know where to go or what to do. Our response time is still almost 10 minutes. All I can say is that we've been lucky that we've picked the time and place of our battles instead of the Vinak. I told everyone to pack it in. No more drills for the day. We would start again tomorrow. What.

Trouble - November 16, 2007

Alex Chou's Log for: 1182352 9:37Yikes! We are in trouble. We just ran a battle readiness drill. The damage control teams weren't sure where to go. Some sections had double or even triple coverage while others had none and It seemed like nobody knew where their equipment was. Our elite fighting force marines panicked when some of their guns had a (simulated) malfunction. When we finally sealed and compartmentalized the different ship sections, people got trapped because they didn't have...
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