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Feed items 1 - 5 of 5 for September 2008

The Mindjet Blog

Software that helps people visualize and use information

Create a Dashboard Mind Map of Memories - September 9, 2008

Michelle Thompson, Michelle Thompson creator of the digital scrapbooking blog, Scrapability, created this stellar MindManager Pro 7 map dashboard of her latest scrapbooking project. The map includes everything from a detailed planning process to her favorite templates, tools of the trade, photos and color palettes. For more information on how Michelle made this MindManager map ...

Why should Freelancers use Mind Mapping - September 8, 2008

MindManager customer, Raj Dash, proposed the question "Why should Freelancer's use Mind Mapping" The thread on FreelanceSwitch is getting a lot of buzz. Check it out and jump in with your own viewpoint now.

Map your way to better Presentations - September 8, 2008

David Lee King, MindManager user and writerspeaker about library websites and emerging digital technologies, has aggregated some of his favorite presentation tips we'd like to share with you. David takes you through his personal presentation tips, tips for presenters of any kind, tips specifically for online presentations and tips specifically for training sessions. There are ...

Office 2.0 Conferences Getting Things Done Panel Recording is Here! - September 5, 2008

Just a quick note to let everyone know Veodia's recording of Office 2.0's "Getting Things Done" panel is now up and running. The panel featured David Allen, Neil Mendelson (Mindjet's VP of Products) and more. Access it here and please feel free to share your questions, comments etc. How do YOU GTD

Mapping Obama vs. McCain - September 4, 2008

Our apologies for a previously incorrect attribution to this MindManager map showing where Obama and McCain stand on the most heated political issues for this 2008 presidential election. This wonderful map in the work of Chance Brown, of the Mindmap blog. Visit Chance's blog now to read the story behind his creation of the map and to ...
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