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Feed items 1 - 5 of 5 for August 2008

The Mindjet Blog

Software that helps people visualize and use information

Veodia to Capture Video of Office 2.0 Conference Sessions, Including GTD Panel - August 29, 2008

Can’t make it to SF for the Office 2.0 Conference next week but dying to know how you can use Office 2.0 tools to get things done The organizers of Office 2.0 have partnered with Veodia, a business-ready enterprise video platform that delivers quality easy-to-use video technology, to broadcast the entire conference including the GTD ...

Join Mindjets VP of Products at Office 2.0s GTD Panel - August 26, 2008

Mindjet is honored to be a part of the Office 2.0 Conference Getting Things Done panel with productivity gurus David Allen, Doreen Hartzell and Kevin Merritt, just to name a few. This panel will present how Office 2.0 tools can support David Allen's Getting Things Done methodology.If you'll be in the San Francisco, CA area in ...

Customer Takes you on a 5 Minute Journey Through MindManager Pro 7 - August 22, 2008

Andre Kibbe of the Tools for Thought blog recently took and in depth look at MindManager 7. The result of his detailed review on this blog was a great accompanying 5 minute video demo of his favorite features within it, captured with TechSmith's Jing Project.Within a few short minutes Andrew walks you through his favorite MindManager ...

The Many Ways To Stay Connected to Mindjets Growing Community - August 21, 2008

Mindjet's customer advocacy team wants to make sure you're equipped with all the ways to get in touch with us and your fellow MindManager users. Feel free to join any (or all!) of these networks that interest you. As always, you can contact Mindjet's customer advocacy team anytime at: and we look forward to connecting with ...

MindManager Project Bundle: The Apps, Templates and Training Crucial to Success - August 21, 2008

Mindjet, today, is proud to announce our first ever combination offering of MindManager and JCVGantt applications, training AND the templates you need to fuel your project management needs. Check out what our customers are saying about how they use visual thinking to streamline their work process into three simple steps.
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