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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for July 2006

Stephanie A. Kesler: Adventures in Technology

Notes, Experiences, Thoughts, etc. regarding technology.

At the Feet of the Master - July 19, 2006

I realize the title of this post is a tad over the top. However, it's actually pretty darn close to the truth. I spent today in a one day course (with a thousand of my closest friends) presented by Edward Tufte - one of the great minds of data analysis and the presentation of data analysis. I realize that to the non-initiated, data analysis and data analysis presentation may seem to be about as interesting as watching paint dry. However, it's an unbelievably compelling field and Tufte does a...

ASCII Zidane - July 12, 2006

Continuing with tonight's apparent ASCII theme, here's ASCII Zinedine Zidane. Pretty nifty!

Girl Gadgeteers - July 10, 2006

Good article today in CNET on Girl Gadgeteers. I was worried that the article was going to be all pink and fluff. But, although pink and fluff surfaced once or twice, overall the article was not bad at all. I was particularly interested in the concept of soft andor smart fabrics. There were also some nifty car related devices.
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