Technology Review Feed - Tech Review Top StoriesTechnology Review exists to promote the understanding of emerging technologies and their impact.Search Engines' Chinese Self-Censorship- June 30, 2008 U.S.-based search engines are choosing what they censor in China and could be blocking more than they have to. Genetic-Testing Fight Continues- June 27, 2008 Who should regulate your access to your genomic information IBM's "Noise Free" Nano Lab- June 27, 2008 The company believes that shielded labs are vital to the future of nanoelectronics. Want to Enhance Your Brain Power- June 26, 2008 Research hints that electrically stimulating the brain can speed learning. A Record-Breaking Optical Chip- June 25, 2008 Intel researchers have built a superfast silicon chip for optical networking. John McCain, Battery Booster- June 25, 2008 The senator's proposed $300 million prize for an electric-car battery prompts excitement, skepticism. Part II: The Business of Social Networks- June 24, 2008 Can social-networking sites ever make money Faster Optical Switching- June 24, 2008 Virtual particles called excitons could speed data through telecom networks. Low-Power GPS- June 23, 2008 Mail-Order Genetic Screening- June 23, 2008 |