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Feed items 1 - 10 of 10 for June 2007 - Marketing and Technology Discussed

Marketing and Technology News and Discussion

Matt Cutts : Google bowling exists - June 29, 2007

Matt Cutts, a senior software engineer for Google, says that piling links onto a competitor's site to reduce its search rank isn't impossible, but it's extremely difficult." read more

Goggle VS Ms from an employees pov - June 28, 2007

I saw his last night its now on slashdot and search engine land. Google Vs MS read more

Why Google Bought DoubleClick - June 27, 2007

I guess this is the official reason In summary: read more

Just how deep is Wikipedia's Penetration into Google... - June 26, 2007

After taking a random sample of 600 Wikipedia articles, 96.67% are in Google's top 10 for their title. read more

Closing Threadwatch This Friday - June 26, 2007

I hate to do this, but this Friday I am closing Threadwatch. I don't think the site died at any specific point, it has been more of a process, which I will outline below: read more

Google calls on more limits for Microsoft - June 25, 2007

Oh this is great shit. -- Google calls for more limits for Microsoft Enjoy the BS Full Story

Human Search + SEO is Spam - June 25, 2007

More confusion about SEO, this time from NYT: read more

Ebay and Google Kiss and Makeup - June 25, 2007

EBay said on Friday the where going to start placing ad's on Google, but that it would rely on other sources to a greater degree. read more

Is MarketingExperiments Really This Clueless - June 22, 2007

I don't even know where to start. MarketingExperiments recent article, "Harnessing Social Media - Web 2.0 Grows Up - Free Internet Traffic," has so many holes and is so off the mark, it makes me wonder if they've been sipping too much of grandpa's cough syrup over there. read more

Yahoo and Ebay to merge - June 22, 2007

rumours are a foot : http:internet.seekingalpha.comarticle39120 that Yahoo and Ebay are to merge. The big thing here for Yahoo is that a) they get a massive user base b) Paypal read more
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