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Feed items 1 - 9 of 9 for March 2008

Technology Makes Life Easier

It's all about technology and learning. Java, Flash, Red5, Flex, SCJP and more

Open Dialect - Open source Flash IDE - March 30, 2008

Open Dialect is an open source Flash IDE based on Flex. It's written in C using .Net 2.0 framework. They call it Dynamic Inter-Active Learning Environment Creation Tool. The software is meant for creating interactive learning Environments.To know in detail about the this open source flash IDE, Follow the Open Dialect wiki here.Below is the screenshot of open Dialect IDE.More screenshots are available here.Open Dialect 0.1.1 is available for Windows but they are porting it on Linux and OSX using.

RTMP - Protocol Flavours - March 28, 2008

With the development of Adobe flash media server and Red5 flash server new protocols are also coming in picture.Here are some protocols for streaming of AudioVideo using Flash media server and Red5.RTMP Real Time Messaging ProtocolRTMP is a TCP based propriety protocol developed by Adobe System for the purpose of streaming AudioVideo data between Flash Player and media server.RTMPT Real Time Messaging Protocol with TunnelRTMPT is a variation of RTMP which works behind the firewall as well....

Adobe Flash Media Rights Management Server - March 26, 2008

Adobe has relased Adobe Flash Media Rights Managment server. It's a platform to protect the media contents delivered to Adobe Media Player and Adobe AIR applications.It's a DRM( Digital Rights Managment ) solution for Flash Video.Some of the features of Adobe Flash Media Rights Managment server are listed below-Cross-platform content deliveryProtect media content delivered to Adobe Media Player and Adobe AIR applications.Content protection with Adobe Media Playerensure the integrity of your...

Red5 0.7.0 complete Changelog and Bugfixes - March 25, 2008

Red5 Changelog----------------------------------------------------------Red5 v0.7.0 final 02.23.2008New Features:- Initial EdgeOrigin clustering support for multiple Edges with a single Origin (Jira APPSERVER-66) - Added stream listeners that can get notified about received packets- Support for server-side Javascript (Jira APPSERVER-169)- Added new base class org.red5.server.adapter.MultiThreadedApplicationAdapter that allows multiple clients to connect simultaneously to the same ...

Terracotta - Network Attached Memory - March 23, 2008

Another great software from open source. Few days back I wrote here about Red5 load balancing using Terracotta .In this post I will write little bit about Terracotta technology.Terracotta is an open source JVM clustering software for Java.It means the applications running on multiple JVMs are capable to interact with each other as they are running on a same JVM.They call it-Network Attached Memory: Purpose Built To Store "Scratch Data".Terracotta is useful in following scenarios:-1:- HTTP...

H.264 on RTMP - March 19, 2008

Today morning i got a news here on red5 mailing list about the implementation of H.264 on RTMP by a Japanese guy.The blog is in Japanese. Below are the links for detail information on this.Feed Demo Page (English compatible click once to enable audio)http:vixy.tvizumi-h264Programmer's blog (written in Japanese) Video on Server Starthttp:vixy.tvimagesizumi_h264_demo.mp4Now its time for Red5 team to comeup with H.264 solution. Hope to hear it soon.

Red5 offline Tutorials-Download pdfs here - March 13, 2008

Below is the offline version of many great Red5 tutorials so that you do not need to be online more to read them again.1:- Create new Java Red5 application 2:- Setting up Eclipse for Red5 development3:- Create sample Red5 application4:- Shared whiteboard application in red55:- Secure your red5 application using stunnel6:- Red5-How to create New application7:- How to stream from custom directories8:- Getting started with Red59:- MySql and Red510:- Red5 and Flex on windows11:- Streaming and...

MRTMP- Red5 load balancing - March 12, 2008

Red5 flash media server released their version 0.7.0 final on 02.23.2008.The one of the major enhancement was the support of Initial EdgeOrigin clustering for multiple Edges with a single Origin. Everyone who was interested to use Red5 on a large scale was looking for this solution.I can find many questions in Red5 mailing list and other forums on this topic.For this red5 has developed a new protocol called MRTMP( Multiplexing RTMP)-protocol between edge and origin.They are using Terracotta for.

Red5 ready for H.264 - March 9, 2008

What is H.264 and why everyone now is talking about this only.Last year the online media giant YouTube also started showing H.264 contents.Flash media server 3 is supporting H.264 content both live and on demand.When we talk about FMS, one name also comes in mind and it's Red5, for those who can not go for FMS because of its price. Red5, for the people who live the open source way. When Red5 released the v0.7.0, I was discussing in my blog post about the possibility of supporting H.264 in near..
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