Timothy Allan - Blog of BlogsElectronic and Dance Music production, Computer Programming, and whatever else I deem fit! Visit http://www.timothyallan.com for my free mp3 downloads.Housematic Reviewed in Septembers Computer Music Magazine- August 25, 2005 Good times! I was reading the September issue of Computer Music Magazine last night and saw that they had reviewed my Housematic CD! As I am easily excitable and a little proud, I will plagiarize the entire mini review here: "Containing a wide selection of loops, single hits and multis, this one is designed for hard house producers. Each folder within the kits section is named according to the tempo of its loops, which range...http://blog.timothyallan.com/archives/2005/08/housematic_revi.html 10 things to say when caught up sleeping at your desk- August 15, 2005 10. "They told me at the Blood Bank this might happen." 9. "This is just a 15 minute power nap they raved about in the time management course you sent me too." 8. "Whew! Guess I left the top off the Whiteout. You probably got here just in time." 7. "I wasn't sleeping! I was meditating on the mission statement and envisioning a new business strategy." 6. "I was testing my keyboard for drool...http://blog.timothyallan.com/archives/2005/08/10_things_to_sa.html Microsoft Genuine Advantage Cracked - You've been PwN3D!- August 9, 2005 This works like a hot damn! If you are using a special XP key that fails the Genuine Advantage test on windowsupdate.com, just follow this handy guide and you'll be up to speed in no time :) Before pressing 'Custom' or 'Express' buttons paste this text to the address bar and press enter: javascript:void(window.g_sDisableWGACheck='all') It turns off the trigger for the key check. Thats it! Another way to do it (which I haven't had to...http://blog.timothyallan.com/archives/2005/08/microsoft_genui.html |