wallcoatings.org.uk: The NPA wallcoatings & paint Blog.A general chat about life......and...er...home improvements, Housing market, decorating, wallcoatings, paints. Rendering, coatings, Videos, articles, tips, hints, videos. (moderated)Hello! Is anyone there!- August 18, 2008 Blimey, where has everyone gone Well, it seems pretty quiet here, I guess its the rain, or at least everyone&8217;s gone on holiday! We&8217;re still here working away, so why not give us a call If you&8217;re worried about the credit crunch and you cant sell your house, dont despair, we can help you! The houses ...http://www.neverpaintagain.co.uk/blog/hello-is-anyone-there/ Bucket Drumming by wallcoatings company Makes Big Noise At Construction Industry Trade Shows- August 8, 2008 The latest guerrilla marketing campaign for Sto Corp, a maker of coatings and paints for the construction industry, features &8220;Ben the Bucket Drummer,&8221; a YouTube video submission contest and, of course, Sto paint buckets. Atlanta (PRWEB) August 8, 2008 &8212; He wears a white jumpsuit, wields a pair of drumsticks and whales on ...http://www.neverpaintagain.co.uk/blog/bucket-drumming-by-wallcoatings-company-makes-big-no... This person had their house painted by a wallcoating company who have gone bust&8230;&8230;&8230;..- August 5, 2008 Enquirer Message: We had our house painted with Primrose Wallcoating in December 2001. We have been very pleased but now feel it needs freshening up either with another coat or with proper cleaning (I believe you can do this too) Could you advise We are not quite ready to do this work but would be ...http://www.neverpaintagain.co.uk/blog/this-person-had-their-house-painted-by-a-wallcoating... Q&038;A Question 2: We have a tyrolean coating on our house&8230;.- August 5, 2008 Enquirer Message: we have a &8221;terylene&8221; sprayed coating to original house, and an extension in Durox block with render and paint on it. Initially I was just going to somehow renew the painting over the &8221;terylene&8221; coating, but it MAY be cost effective to do the whole house Can you, as a ...http://www.neverpaintagain.co.uk/blog/qa-question-2-we-have-a-tyrolean-coating-on-our-hous... |