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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for December 2006


views of various geekage from 1,655 meters (5,430 feet) above sea level

Best Iraq News. EVER. Swords to plowshares - December 13, 2006

To Stem Iraqi Violence, U.S. Aims to Create Jobs Paul A. Brinkley, deputy undersecretary of defense, who returned last night from a trip to Iraq with his team, said thousands of Iraqis lost their jobs and the ability to support their families when CPA Coalition Provisional Authority projections dimmed. Unrest followed the absence of work. "After three years of unemployment in excess of 50 percent, there are no people in the world that wouldn&39;t be undergoing violence and militias,"..

Udell's vision - December 10, 2006

I want Jon Udell&39;s new job -- well not exactly, but something like it. How can I make more of my time available for my philanthropic ambitions The vision Jon is hoping to clarify in the next month is a perfect example of how I think it&39;s supposed to work. Pick some things you want to do for the world and find someone who will pay you to do them. I suspect there&39;s a prerequisite of having demonstrated a level of integrity and competence in order to get someone to finance it. But...

Information Responsibility - December 10, 2006

I think the whole information technology industry needs to take a close look at what responsibilities an organization assumes upon collecting any personal information or data. This is especially important in the case of biometrics because they&39;re so personal -- digital encoding of our unique physical traits. Movies often make dramatic use of the numbered tattoos used by the Nazis to identify prisoners at Auschwitz. We have many cultural references to the dangers of being marked -- I&39;m...
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