Viral GastroenteritisNews and information about Viral Gastroenteritis.Oxoid IDEIA Viral Gastroenteritis Panel Allows Rapid Diagnosis Of...- January 18, 2008 Oxoid, a world leader in microbiology, has launched the IDEIA range of products for the rapid diagnosis of viral gastroenteritis. Palau schools ask to maintain hygiene- January 10, 2008 Community advocacy program manager Dr. Isebong Asang is reminding schools to maintain hygiene now that the holiday break is over. ...more- January 4, 2008 The value of migrant workers to the Isle of Man's economy is being defended in the light of a House of Lords report which claims immigration has done little for Britain. ...more- January 4, 2008 The Manx public is being thanked for its support for a Laxey teenager who is setting alight a BBC talent show. |