Valentine NewsLocal news for Valentine, NE continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Book reading to feature children's alphabet and number books highlighting Nebraska- February 22, 2008 "In 2003, I was home visiting my parents in Michigan, and I picked up a book titled, 'M is for Mitten,'" Issue date: 22108 Section: Features Child's play doesn't appeal exclusively to the 10-and-under crowd. via Daily Nebraskan Cities lobby for expressways- February 20, 2008 "I don't think, frankly, you have a choice" A piecemeal approach to the state's expressway system is hurting Nebraska towns' ability to draw businesses and the money and population that comes with them, people from across the state told lawmakers ... via Columbus Telegram Gas tax bill advances- February 19, 2008 A bill that could lead to an increase in Nebraska's fuel tax will be debated by the full Legislature this session. via Lincoln Journal Star Area couple to receive Points of Light Award- February 18, 2008 Gov. Dave Heineman will present the quarterly Nebraska Governor's Points of Light Awards to Marie and Eldon Wietzke of Valentine in a ceremony at 10:30 a.m. today in the Warner Chamber at the state capitol in ... via The North Plattte Telegraph |