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The Pirate Bay - Blog

The newest blog entries from The Pirate

Swedish government blocks love - August 20, 2008

As some have noticed, we're asking you to kindly send your love for TPB to the Swedish minster of justice. We do this by having her lovely face on a doodle on our frontpage, which shows the respect we have for her. Today, sadly, after a couple of tens of thousands of love wishes, the Swedish government decided to block the love-sending. And not only did they block it, they decided to lie about why. To quote the error message received by our users: och...

Here we go again - August 18, 2008

We would just like to point out one thing. Even though we do like disinformation spreading when it's funny, everything that is hosted at PRQ is not operated by the team behind The Pirate Bay. I think that should clear up the lies in the press lately about another site that we have not set up. ... and kinda use your IQ, journalists, if we would set up a site, we would probably announce it on here, wouldn't we

Fascist state censors Pirate Bay - August 9, 2008

We're quite used to fascist countries not allowing freedom of speech. A lot of smaller nations that have dictators decide to block our site since we can help spread information that could be harmful to the dictators. This time it's Italy. They suffer from a really bad background as one of the IFPIs was formed in Italy during the fascist years and now they have a fascist leader in the country, Silvio Berlusconi. Berlusconi is also the most powerful person in Italian media owning a lot of...

Edit: tagging - August 2, 2008

Oh, since we need to be able to tag old stuff, there's an edit feature for all old torrents. Just a couple of years late, sorry. That means - you can edit all your old torrents (as well as your new uploads. And tag them.. tag tag tag away!
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