VeganPokerWelcome. This is a site dedicated to my ramblings about playing poker, living a vegan lifestyle, and whatever other random thoughts stumble out of my head.Three Oh- August 27, 2004 Well, there you go...I'm old now. I woke up this morning 30 years old. The good news is that my life is pretty good at 30. The past year was a pretty big one. I lost a lot of weight,... Random Updates- August 12, 2004 This week has been a little calmer. Most of the painting is done, but there is a lot of detail trim work left that Becca is doing. The most recent plan had us hopefully moving in this weekend, but that... My Comic- August 6, 2004 So I decided to try creating a comic. I'm not much of an artist, so I'm not sure it's the best of ideas. I think I'll make a few more and then decide if it's something I want to... |