Ask MetaFilter posts tagged with internettag posts with internetSocial networking for fabric geeks- August 31, 2008 I'm looking for a project managementsocial networking site for fabric craftspeople, artisans and hobbyists (can include sewing, weaving, whatever) on the MyFolia model. In other words someplace on line where I can organize my projects and connect with other craftspeople. The forums just aren't working for me-- too much chat, not enough organizing. How to fix a website and make it compatible in firefox AND IE- August 30, 2008 I need some help with a CSSHTML issue as well as an Internet Explorer issue. I created an online portfolio and have been trying to update the design to make it more user-friendly and more aesthetically pleasing. However, I have run into a few road blocks. This is the new design that I would like to implement. If you are using Firefox, you should see it as I see it. However, if you are using IE, it is a mess. What can I do to stop this From brief research, it looks like it is an issue using... Internet Speed tests lie, my connection sucks!- August 29, 2008 Why is it when I take internet speed tests my rating is great, but overall my browsing is miserably sluggish OK, so I've called Comcast at least 10 times, and every time they go through the same crap: Unlpug modem, restart it, blah blah blah. A few times they've had me take speed tests to "prove" my connection is fine, but again, normal browsing is slow. Here are the results from a couple tests: http:www.speakeasy.netspeedtest Download Speed: 12963 kbps (1620.4 KBsec transfer rate) Upload... Help me use GMail Better- August 28, 2008 My company recently switched from a standard POP mail server to having GMail as our MX server and hosting all our business accounts. Overall the benefits are quite positive, but I'm having some usage issues that bug me. Can you help me use gmail better Specific questions inside. Part 1: I love the benefit of the IMAP mail system, allowing my inbox to be anywhere I am, rather than centralized around a specific computer. Previously I had my POP work account for 3 years and amassed thousands.. HOW DO PEOPLE WHO... oh.- August 28, 2008 How do people who communicate in languages without capital letters yell at each other online Bold Italics What do they do when html is forbidden, then Or do they not yell at each other online at all (This was sparked by my annoyance at a woman at work who insists on expressing urgency BY USING ALL CAPITAL LETTERS ALL THE TIME. My roommate studies Japanese and I asked her how people type-yell in Japanese, and she was stumped, and so was google: Hence, I ask you.) Do you remember a picture of a naked melting person- August 27, 2008 I'm looking for back story on a somewhat disturbing photograph which was circulating around the internet around 10-15 years ago. Trouble is, I no longer have a copy of the file, and can't find it. The photo in question was an internet meme from back before they were called that. It could best be described as "face-down naked melting woman". I say melting because.. well, that's what it looked like. A big puddle of skin, with feet; sort of like what you'd get if people were made of wax and... |