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Feed items 11 - 13 of 13 for August 2008

Sue Doe-Nim

When Sue Doe married John Nim all hell broke loose

You Get Nothing - August 4, 2008

I haven't seen my kids since Friday morning, and I'm busy memorizing every freckle on their noses.Please get used to the sporadic blogging. I'll be on the Tour in no time.Yeah, whatever, I am having a good hair day. Becha miss me.

A Tennis Vacation - August 2, 2008

While I'm away I'd like y'all to check out Mary's site.It's interesting because she lives in the same part of town that I do (her end is snazzier though) and she goes to many of the same places that I go but she sees them with a very different lens.The way she sees a movie theater is just different. I'm cruising past what she's taking pictures of....I do shop at AA but I don't wear Tees (duh, I'm playing tennis just so I can have a chance to wear shirts more often)And her neighbors are bigger...

Friday Confession - August 1, 2008

My name is not Sue.Sue Doe needed to marry Mr. Nim in order for me to have a pseudonym.It's been long enough that when I hear someone yelling Sue, I turn and look.Here's the origin.
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