Sue Doe-NimWhen Sue Doe married John Nim all hell broke looseRemember Mike's Daughter- August 31, 2008 Remember her She's less reserved and become an important friend for Eve.Unfortunately today I found out that a friend and mother died in a motorcycle accident. I tried really hard not to cry, but I failed. Mike's Daughter was with us and I really didn't feel like talking about the 7 year old girl who just lost her mother.Cuz. Well. It's just too fucking much.I wasn't all that surprised when she threw up all over my bathroom. I know she could've been sick to her stomach, she might've had a flu... Emergency Medicine and Labias- August 29, 2008 Like so many other bloggers I like to see how ya'll find me.First off, I'll wave hello to the lovelies at AAYSR who Fucking Love Me, in fact, I do believe the word was radtastic. In any event, if you love blogs you'll love Ask And Ye Shall Receive. Go on over there and send them some lovin'.Then there are the searches. Apparently I'm way up top of you're on Yahoo and looking for a giant labia. I don't profess to own a giant one, but hey, welcome pervs! A hit's a hit. Right Some of these make an. Boo. Fucking. Hoo. I. Can't. See. I'm. Blind.- August 28, 2008 Are you fucking kidding me $6,000,000 because you can't buy your butt logo skank shorts onlineI get that you're blind and that life is more difficult. Motherfucker, I'm not the hot chick, my life is more difficult so (like Diane Keaton) I had to develop a personality. Maybe I'll sue Jaye over at Intuition for not having enough clothes for middle aged soccer moms who don't do enough crunches.Now I have to go and add blind people to the list of groups I detest. You really made Target pay you $6... Deborah Tagliareni- August 27, 2008 I guess when you google Deborah Tagliareni this post comes up. I know you're interested in my POV because you spent over 2 hours on my humble site. I'm very interested in yours.Deborah is a resource teacher at a school that has failed at least one child. I see that she (or one of her co-workers) has been here. I'm willing to let you guest post Deb. If any one of your co-workers would like to explain what happened in that classroom I'll give you a forum.xoxoSue Just Kidding- August 27, 2008 When I finally get around to offing the neighbor I'm pretty sure it should be anonymous.And no, Jane, I am not married to an Asian man. Looking For Something To Read- August 11, 2008 I can't guarantee it's good but it's where I'm moving to.Email me at sue.doenim at yahoo dot com And it's likely (although not guaranteed) that I'll send you a link. the surprise party- August 8, 2008 is actually a funeral Fuck Friday Confession- August 8, 2008 I'm about to jump onto an airplane and go to Colorado without any of them.It's 48 hours (less really) and I feel ridiculous for not wanting to be alone. I am, however, excited by the prospect of 3 hours alone in a massive tomb in the sky. Does H & M Discriminate Against Nursing Moms- August 7, 2008 You decide.Their policy is to offer a quiet spot for nursing mothers so that all of their patrons can feel comfortable shopping.Is that discriminatory I'm going with no.Before you lambaste me let me tell you that I nursed Eve for 15 months, which was 9 months longer than I'd planned. I nursed her everywhere and I probably made some other people uncomfortable, in retrospect that was wrong. It's ill mannered to make other people uncomfortable when it's unnecessary and if you're offered a space to. Project Runway Perhaps- August 7, 2008 Yesterday I had lunch at the Belvedere Room. The guys next to us were talking about Heidi Klum and a busboy with his hands between her legs. It's all very funny and great looking. Can't wait to see the print.Ooh, eavesdropping, fun! |