tom matrullo's consumer dreams blogimproper-doers, money, consumer dreams and other fine items.(Untitled)- January 31, 2003 IRAQ - DATE PALMS, OIL, ETC. CHEAP!! Item 2909539751 Everything Else:Weird Stuff:Slightly Unusual Bidding is closed for this item. powerbbs(0) is the winner. powerbbs, please send your shipping and payment information to the seller. See item description for payment methods accepted. Note: The seller's payment address is not on file for this item. Payment Details Item price US $1.80 Canada Shipping and... (Untitled)- January 13, 2003 Many of us have homes, and most of those homes have shower stalls in them. Much fewer of them have aviaries. But even in those homes with both showers and aviaries, how many have a combined showeraviary This is hardly an unwarranted question. After all, birds love to bathe. Go to any public square that has a working fountain; go to any garden with a birdbath that has water in it: you will find birds hopping in and splashing and shuddering as they dip themselves in the water. What is needed is a. (Untitled)- January 12, 2003 New Name for 2003 I am changing this blog to reflect all the things which I would consume, if they existed. (The loathesome term "consumer" is used advisedly.) This is part of a larger problematic. It might only be me who has this problem. Which is, I tend to wish to consume only things which do not exist. In direct contradiction to that predicament, I plan to describe my dreams here in hopes that somehow, this will help make them realities (in which case I guess I... |