xFlashMobs.com Planet Wide FlashMob EventsFlashmob events from xFlashMobs.com (flash mob, flash mobbing, smart mobs,smartmobs)ReservedFlash- April 30, 2006 Date: 4302006 12:00:00 PM,Country: India,State: ,City: Mumbai,Link: ,Reserved Flashhttp://www.xflashmobs.com/ht/eventsinfo.asp?g=232 Die_In_for_Theatre- April 20, 2006 Date: 4202006 12:00:00 PM,Country: Canada,State: ,City: Vancouver,Link: www.suspect.comedyevents.ca,What: The Die-In consists of a huge number of Vancouverites including you! dressed in very colourfullouddorky jackets and the nerdiest possible glasses, dying a dramatic FAKE death all at the same moment. When: Thursday April 20th, 2006 NOON SHARP Where: The lawn in front of the Art Gallery, facing Robson Street The Cue: A whistle, followed by the dramatic death however you want! ,...http://www.xflashmobs.com/ht/eventsinfo.asp?g=229 Carytown- April 1, 2006 Date: 412006 2:00:00 PM,Country: United States,State: VA,City: Richmond,Link: ,Everyone dress in all black. Then bring or borrow an iPOD and go to carytown. Promptly meet at 2 in front of the Bryd Theater. Dance for 5 min. like they do in the commercial. Then have fun!!!http://www.xflashmobs.com/ht/eventsinfo.asp?g=228 |