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Feed items 1 - 10 of 20 for June 2008

Syndicated Learning Object

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National Curriculum Board - June 30, 2008

The National Curriculum Board is responsible for developing an Australian national curriculum for all students from Kindergarten to Year 12, starting with English, mathematics, the sciences and history and will use extensive Australian and international evidence to help develop a world-class curriculum for all Australian students using a collaborative development process. The website provides links to the National Curriculum Development Paper, the 'Into the Future: National Curriculum Board...

Positive behaviour for learning: investigating the transfer of a United States system into the NSW Department of Education and Training Western Sydney - June 30, 2008

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is a school-wide behaviour initiative currently in use at a number of western Sydney schools. It employs a whole school systems approach to address problem behaviour and reduce its effects on student outcomes and on the school community as a whole. PBL encourages positive behaviour from students, which has been shown to improve their self-concept and motivation to learn.

Wonder School: competition ends - June 30, 2008

As an initiative to inform kids about better nutrition and healthy living, Goodman Fielder Baking (the maker of Wonder bread) is giving away packs of sports equipment to every school that participates in the Wonder School program and collects the required amount of specially marked empty bread bags. Just register your school and tell your students, their families and their friends to start collecting specially marked empty Wonder bread bags.

Smithsonian Institution's photosets on Flickr - June 30, 2008

A collection of Creative Commons licensed photos from the Smithsonian Institute on Flickr. The photographs can be searched by set, tags or can be searched with keywords. The copyright of each image is available to view.

Do you know your Facebook from your Bebo - June 30, 2008

A new report has been launched this week which, for the first time, provides teachers and lecturers with a comprehensive guide to social networking services such as Facebook and Bebo. BECTA, 23 June 2008.

iDlogik - June 30, 2008

iDlogik allows users to create a free online resume. The site also includes information for job seekers and recruiters.

ICON Creative Summit 2008 - June 30, 2008

The ICON Creative Summit is a multi-arts festival showcasing emerging artists in Music, Fashion, Short Film, Dance, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Spoken Word and DJ. The event provides a platform for artists to perform and display their craft.

Young people and social networking services: a Childnet International research report - June 30, 2008

The project is designed to investigate how social networking services can and are being used to support personalised formal and informal learning by young people in schools and colleges. This report is designed to support teachers and lecturers with an interest in using social networking services and innovative curriculum approaches, as well as those with a responsibility for e-safety, cyberbullying awareness and digital literacy of both staff and students. The sections are: What are social...

Grow us a home - June 30, 2008

Grow Us A Home is a Greening Australia initiative aimed at Secondary teachers and students to help them understand the landform features found on the Swan Coastal Plain and Darling Range, Western Australia. This site contains information about soil, biodiversity, coastlines and a range of classroom activities constructed around multiple intelligences.

Wonder School: competition starts - June 30, 2008

As an initiative to inform kids about better nutrition and healthy living, Goodman Fielder Baking (the maker of Wonder bread) is giving away packs of sports equipment to every school that participates in the Wonder School program and collects the required amount of specially marked empty bread bags. Just register your school and tell your students, their families and their friends to start collecting specially marked empty Wonder bread bags.
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