The Love CoachLove advice, coaching & help for every chapter of your love life:<br> single ~ dating ~ relationship ~ marriage ~ break up ~ affairRed Flags Now, Relationship Problems Later- October 15, 2005 You know what a red flag is, right That's a trait or a behavior in a person you are newly dating that indicates that not all is right with hisher ability to have a happy, long-lasting relationship with you. Many singles ignore red flags in hopes that the problems and issues, whatever they are, will go away once the relationship grows and the two people fall in love. This is partially correct. Fix Your Love Life + Answers to Your Love Questions- October 11, 2005 - new portal for getting real help and advice for finally finding your life mate, solving dating dilemmas, improving your relationship or marriage, getting a relationship back, healing and moving on after a break up or divorce, or successfully dealing with an affair. Plus, read love questions and answers by Love Coach Rinatta Paries |