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Feed items 1 - 5 of 5 for May 2008

Team Murder

Technology and anger together are poisonous...

Six And Half-Assedly Counting - May 23, 2008

At some point during this month Team Murder hit the six year mark. I usually forget this stuff but this year one in which my attention has been elsewhere. Is that an indication of burn out Yes, but I've been burned out on running this site since the first week it was stable. I think it has something to do with the way I'm wired.

Abandoned - May 20, 2008

Found this crap laying on the kitchen table at work: Sometimes it's okay to simply throw things away.

Parody = Power - May 17, 2008

Embedding a ton of the flotsam and jetsam that YouTube by nature generates is usually a mistake. This, apart from the usual shit talking, is a thousand times awesome.

All About The Sleeve - May 14, 2008

I bookmarked this story about art constructed from living mouse stem cells while I was wrestling with a ton of broken hardware yesterday and am finally coming back to it now. There are so many jagged angles to consider when thinking about both the methodology behind the exhibit and also about its 'killing.' If nothing else, it is a pretty fascinating look at the abstraction of ethical dilemma as the museum curator voices serious qualms about disconnecting the exhibit from nutrition despite the..

How To Not Write Anything Forever - May 10, 2008

So, I've upgraded Wordpress twice since I've last posted anything which has more to do with an overall disinterest in most matters technical, utter lack of any programming or interest in it, and, of course, the titanic crack rock we affectionately refer to as Warcrack. I finally crumbled and staggered into the mess of MMORPG spirit crushing and I've been absorbed to say the very least. One thing that has impressed me perhaps the most about my couple months tenancy in Azeroth is how it is...
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