The Marc Chamot Report, News and Opinions & Commentaries on National & World Events.Where we like to tell it like it is! Stories on political analysis based on my past experience over political corruption in San Francisco/NATIONAL politics. Stories on current events that shake America. Published articles, essays from other sources and by Marc Lewis Chamot, Marc Chamot on current events and the 2008 Presidential political scene. Immigration and Economic issues and so forth that affects us all… Welcome, and please enjoy my unique BLOG!Whites and Independents Are Jumping Into the McCain-Palin Ticket in Droves! Is it Because of Anti-Barack ObamaDemocrat Backlash, a Meltdown Looming- September 13, 2008 Whites and Independents Are Jumping Into the McCain-Palin Ticket in Droves! Is it Because of Anti-Barack ObamaDemocrat Backlash, a Meltdown LoomingBy Marc ChamotHillary Clinton had warned Democrats that if Barack Obama won the Democratic nomination he wasnt experienced enough to handle Republicans, she said that the Republicans are so masterful in politics, and that they would pull a disastrous tactic against Barack Obama and the Democrats to kill this presidency. And it obviously happened it... American Trade Deficit Surges, Unemployment Rises, New Alarming Reports Prove Out of Control Trade is Killing the American Workers and Industries:- September 11, 2008 American Trade Deficit Surges, Unemployment Rises, New Alarming Reports Prove Out of Control Trade is Killing the American Workers and Industries:By Marc ChamotNewsweek: Is America Losing At Globalization"Free trade used to seem like a good thing for U.S. businesses and consumers. Now we're not so sure."As I have said before folks! There is strong proof and correlations between foreign imports and job loses! New reports show that America has a very troubling trade imbalance, its affect in... The Sarah Palin Tsunami: Is Barack Obama a True Reformer or a Real Dud & Is his True Message as Change Agent Being Lost- September 9, 2008 The Sarah Palin Tsunami: Is Barack Obama a True Reformer or a Real Dud & Is his True Message as Change Agent Being LostBy Marc ChamotBarack Obama had the chance to become the first Democrat to juggernaut himself into the White House, but unfortunately he blew it along the way. It has become more of a catch up game for Obama and the Democrats. Barack Obama failed in his message about change.Thats why the far left is in a panic mode, with the senseless attacks on Sarah Palin, they are seeing.. John McCains RNC Final Night a Total Failure: Country First John McCain has No Solutions for Americas Economic Woes; Showing Same Old Rhetoric:- September 5, 2008 John McCains RNC Final Night a Total Failure: Country First John McCain has No Solutions for Americas Economic Woes; Showing Same Old Republican Rhetoric to Win:By Marc ChamotEdited 952008Its obvious that John McCain was using Sarah Palin to make up for his inefficiencies in policies, and economic weaknesses, and it really showed tonight.His campaign has become more of a Palin vs. Obama than John McCain vs. Obama.Is John McCain a real agent for change I dont think so. He didnt prove it tonight.. The Sarah Palin Stampede: Is Barack Obamas Campaign and Left Wing Media Rethinking Strategies & Questioning his Judgments- September 4, 2008 The Sarah Palin Stampede: Is Barack Obamas Campaign and Left Wing Media Rethinking Strategies & Questioning his JudgmentsBy Marc ChamotBut one thing that caught my eye during the Republican speeches last night, it was what former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani said, if I were Joe Biden, I would get that VP thing in writingIf Sarah Palin begins to take voters by a storm, if polls give the McCain-Palin ticket a huge bump, and even if polls begin to show Obama losing some of his key battleground. Joe Lieberman Stirs-UP RNC; Shreds Barack Obama & Democrats to Pieces: There are Still Serious Hurdles for John McCain to Overcome:- September 3, 2008 Joe Lieberman Stirs-UP RNC; Shreds Barack Obama & Democrats to Pieces: There are Still Serious Hurdles for John McCain to Overcome:By Marc ChamotFormerly Democrat turned Independent Joseph Lieberman used the opportunity at the RNC to explain as to whats really wrong with the Democratic machine in American politics. As posted on my previous blog, the problem that I have with the Democratic Party is that they are too partisanship in governing, and they have few track records for bi-partisan... Outrage Brewing: CNN Contributor Bill Bennett Rips His Own Network Over Sarah Palin Hit Piece as Gender Biased, Anti-Women & Hate, & Stolen Fr- September 2, 2008 Outrage Brewing: CNN Contributor Bill Bennett Rips His Own Network Over Sarah Palin Hit Piece as Gender Biased, Anti-Women & Hate, & Stolen From Daily Kos Kooks:By Marc ChamotHillary Clinton Part Two, here it comes!About a daughter having a baby has nothing to do with a persons qualifications to be a vice presidential elections.Underage pregnancies are a common trend that affects all walks of life in America. It could have unknowingly happened to Mother Teresa if she had a daughter.Ever. |