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The Marc Chamot Report, News and Opinions & Commentaries on National & World Events.

Where we like to tell it like it is! Stories on political analysis based on my past experience over political corruption in San Francisco/NATIONAL politics. Stories on current events that shake America. Published articles, essays from other sources and by Marc Lewis Chamot, Marc Chamot on current events and the 2008 Presidential political scene. Immigration and Economic issues and so forth that affects us all… Welcome, and please enjoy my unique BLOG!

Republican Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is John McCain VP Pick! Was it a Brilliant Move Against Democrats - August 29, 2008

Republican Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is John McCain VP Pick! Was it a Brilliant Move Against DemocratsMarc ChamotI am proud of John McCain's choice, and I am very happy for all the women of America!The thunder just got ripped under Barack Obamas show. Sarah Palin is an awesome pick for the Republicans and John McCain. What a great strategy! Let me rephrase it, what an ingenious strategy to burst the bubble off the Democrats Barack Obamas an agent of change theme.Shes feisty, tough and single..

Is Democratic Convention a Bust Party Over Is the American Democratic Party & DNC Shattered & Beyond Repair - August 27, 2008

Is Democratic Convention a Bust Party Over Is the American Democratic Party & DNC Shattered & Beyond RepairBy Marc ChamotThese 2008 presidential elections have shown a part of the Democratic Party, a shameful part that will leave many unfortunate Democrats with bitter tastes in their mouths for years to come.Ever since the Democratic convention began two days ago, polls show that John McCain has risen four points and surpassed Barack Obama for the first time. This convention has become..

A Bill Clinton Tragic Legacy NAFTA & WTO: Then Why are Presidential Candidates Barack Obama and John McCain so Oblivious in Solving Our Economic I - August 24, 2008

A Bill Clinton Tragic Legacy NAFTA & WTO: Then Why are Presidential Candidates Barack Obama and John McCain so Oblivious in Solving Our Economic IllsBy Marc ChamotDid President George Bush really ruin our economy It may seem that way, but he was only the benefactor, recipient, and abuser of that failed 19941995 Bill Clinton, and the Republicans under Newt Gingrichs, NAFTA and WTO trade deals that they created.Can anyone stop this monster thats eating away our jobs, wages, industry, wealth,..

Obamination Falling: TimesBloomberg Polls Confirms Past Fox News Polls; Barack Obamas Favorable Ratings Dropping - August 21, 2008

Obamination Falling: TimesBloomberg Polls Confirms Past Fox News Polls; Barack Obamas Favorable Ratings Dropping & New poll shows John McCain taking a five-point lead Over the Economy:By Marc ChamotIs it an Incoming Doom for Barack Obama and DemocratsA TimesBloomberg poll finds that Obama shows few signs of winning new voters.Barack Obamas favorable ratings keeps dropping. Barack Obamas negative ratings dropped even further down than what Fox News previously reported. New poll shows John...

Russian Attacks on Georgia Shows Broken American Foreign AffairsMilitary Abroad; U.S. Military is DepletedDamaged; - August 15, 2008

Russian Attacks on Georgia Shows Broken American Foreign AffairsMilitary Abroad; U.S. Military is DepletedDamaged; & were in Danger of Not Being Able to Help Allies From Aggressors:By Marc ChamotRussias attacks on Georgia is a clear message to America, NATO and former satellite states of the former Soviet Union, mess with the West youll die with the rest.Russias attack on Georgia also shows that America is in deep trouble on the world stage. Russias message to the former Soviet Union...

Turning Down the Vice Presidency with Barack Obama May be the Best Strategy for Hillary Clinton; & is Right Wing Conservative Republican Party Dea - August 10, 2008

Turning Down the Vice Presidency with Barack Obama May be the Best Strategy for Hillary Clinton; & is Right Wing Conservative Among the Republican Party DeadBy Marc ChamotIve been doing a whole lot of thinking lately and what has me thinking is what about the Hillary Clintons 18,000,000 voters I have no doubt that Pastor Jeremiah Wrights Trinity United Church of Christs racist and anti-American rants has hurt Barack Obama considerably, especially among the white voters of America."A close...

Bloodied 2008 China Olympics & Internet Spy Games; Americans and the Free World Must Boycott these Olympic games: - August 6, 2008

Bloodied 2008 China Olympics & Internet Spy Games; Americans and the Free World Must Boycott these Olympic games:By Marc ChamotIf our spineless American presidents and politicians wont take action, we must take it upon ourselves to show China, that these anti-freedom violations will no longer be tolerated!"What weve got is not a failure in communication with president George Bush, what weve got is a TOTAL failure in intelligence on his part."President George Bush, the lowest rated in...

Is American Politics Ethically & Morally Corrupt The Dennis Hastert & Republican TaxpayerBribes Scandals Could be a Death Knell for Republican - August 3, 2008

Corrupt Republicans: Dennis Hastert & Ted StevensIs American Politics Ethically & Morally Corrupt The Dennis Hastert & Other Republican TaxpayerBribes Scandals Could be the Final Death Knell for Republicans in Congress for Some Time:By Marc ChamotUnder president George Bush, the Republican party of Newt Gingrichs 1994 Contract With America, has become more of a contract for fleecing taxpayers and rampant corruption. Dennis Hasterts open corruption is a powder keg waiting to explode..
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