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The Marc Chamot Report, News and Opinions & Commentaries on National & World Events.

Where we like to tell it like it is! Stories on political analysis based on my past experience over political corruption in San Francisco/NATIONAL politics. Stories on current events that shake America. Published articles, essays from other sources and by Marc Lewis Chamot, Marc Chamot on current events and the 2008 Presidential political scene. Immigration and Economic issues and so forth that affects us all… Welcome, and please enjoy my unique BLOG!

Texans Give Republicans John McCain, Texas Governor Rick Perry, George Bush's Globalizations and Free Traders & Mexico's NAFTA Superhighway the Bo - June 26, 2008

Taking Back America: Texans Give Republicans John McCain, Texas Governor Rick Perry, President George Bush's Globalizations and Free Traders & Mexico's NAFTA Superhighway the Boot!By Marc ChamotUPDATED June 28, 2008- Texans Fooled over NAFTA Superhighway-what was thought to be over with the NAFTA Superhighway in Texas it looks like Texas Republican Governor Rick Perry, with president George Bushs blessings and the TxDOT pulled a quick one over most Texans. They are going to pursue with the..
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