Ten Reasons WhyUnclarifying the issues since 2000 (off and on)Multicultural Breakfast- February 23, 2008 Clearly I haven't been grocery shopping in a while, because this morning I had to whip together a breakfast from whatever was handy. I wound up making tofu seasoned with red curry powder and scrambled with onions, red peppers, jalapenos and fried kielbasa. I know. It sounds terrible. But it actually turned out to be a big plate of spicy deliciousness. As I sat down to eat, I wondered if I could have found a way to represent at least one more culture's cuisine in the same plate. I almost went..http://www.tenreasonswhy.com/weblog/archives/2008/02/23/multicultural_breakfast.html Everything Old is New Again- February 6, 2008 Yeah, so I spent a couple hours wrangling around with Movable Type last night. I don't know why. I'd had a lousy day of wrangling with other various bits of software, projects, and people at the office, plus I skipped lunch, so i don't know what made me think that coming home and before eating dinner deciding to entirely redesign a site I hadn't touched in two years. Glutton. For. Punishment. It could have gone horrifically wrong. I could have gotten in way over my head, what with the HTML..http://www.tenreasonswhy.com/weblog/archives/2008/02/06/everything_old_is_new_again.html My Theory on "Lost"- February 5, 2008 I'm not a huge Lost fan, especially since it employs such a painfully slow and opaque storytelling technique. But I'm enough of a fan (and, apparently, enough of a geek) that I've got a theory on why the castaways are on the Island. This theory came together watching the final episode of last season, titled "Through the Looking Glass," which was re-broadcast last week. I twittered about it right before the season premiere so as to cement a public record of my interpretive and prognostication...http://www.tenreasonswhy.com/weblog/archives/2008/02/05/my_theory_on_lost.html |