The CocoanutThe mind eats what the mouth is thinkingThe Devil Crumbles Like A Cookie- January 29, 2008 As I sit here I take time to ponder how different life would&8217;ve been had I not given in to temptation and finished the ten remaining cookies from the batch I made last night. There would be no consequences to worry about, no rush to go to the gym to reclaim my fitness, no feeling ... Going Ga-Ga Over Guacamole- January 28, 2008 What is it with me and dips My continuing fixation with dips naturally leads to guacamole, which I think sits up there alongside hummus, tzatziki and possibly peanut satay dip as the all-star players of the global dip team (if such a team exists). I, like most Malaysians got my first taste of guacamole courtesy ... Easy Hummus and Spicy Lentil Dip- January 21, 2008 One of life&8217;s greatest pleasures lies in the simple act of dipping. Whether it&8217;s strawberries dunked in chocolate or hot salty chips into mayo, there&8217;s an exquisitely comforting feeling in witnessing a body of food being extracted from a pool of viscous dip, the thick emulsion clinging on to dear life. I love eating those ... |