The CocoanutThe mind eats what the mouth is thinkingThe Engineers Approach to Sambal Eggplant- August 28, 2008 (This article first appeared in the politically-flavoured kampunghouse during my hibernation from The Cocoanut. It seems more appropriate to feature it here among the many other musings on food.) Sambal terung (eggplant) has got to be one of my favorite Malaysian dishes, the savory smoky sambal piggybacking on the velvety creamy flesh of the eggplant. However, ... Back to Basics- August 28, 2008 The Cocoanut has been in hibernation for almost half a year now, brought about by the overwhelming problem of spam comments. I have never been quite as well-versed with technology as I should be, so my response to the pesky influx of spam was simply, to retreat. Now that the spam is in control (or so ... |