The Hammond Report » Governer SchwietzerA Lunch Pail Conservative promoting and defending Conservatism while exposing and poking fun at LiberalismKitzenberg's Betrayal- November 18, 2006 Sam Kizenberg's betrayal to the Republican Party is stirring things up in Montana. In a clear case of Liberal media bias, this article claims Kizenberg is a &171;moderate Republican&187; implying &171;regular&187; Republicans are extreme and on the fringe and Democrats are closer to the mainstream. Here is the opening line of the article. HELENA - A ... Hundreds Show up For Tester Rally (Schweitzer Encourages Voter Fraud) While Thousands Show up For Burns.- November 3, 2006 Over 300 people showed up for a rally and there were 100 outside the UC center at UM for a Tester rally headed by Governor Schweitzer and Max Baucus! Wow, almost 400 people in Missoula came to rally for Tester. On the same day over 5000 people attended a rally in ... |