The Hammond Report » Governer SchwietzerA Lunch Pail Conservative promoting and defending Conservatism while exposing and poking fun at LiberalismDoes Anybody Else Think This is Fishy- December 14, 2006 Governor Brian Schweitzer has been heavily promoting renewable and green energy development in the state since he was elected. This is a good thing, particularly for Eastern Montana's economy which has been suffering for a long time. Yesterday, it was reported that the Public Service Commission approved new prices for small &171;renewable&187; power projects ... MT GOP Votes Conservatives Into House Leadership- December 4, 2006 The Montana GOP voted one of it's most conservative members as Speaker of the House. Scott Sales from Bozeman is the right man to lead the party back to prominence in the Montana government. It's a relief that the House Republicans see the reason they have been weakened. They fell for the ... |