The Fighting Ungers' Blog, sponsored by<br> Zen West Tex-Mex GrillMarc Unger and Andrew Unger give you sports with a heavy emphasis on comedy. Outrageous and sometimes controversial, check out "The Fighting Ungers" every Saturday morning from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.My Dear Misguided Friend Rex Snider Who Must Hate Troy Smith- July 4, 2007 Let's begin by noting that my name is spelled M-A-R-C. Marc. As for me being the uglier brother, thankfully Andrew and I come from solid genes and are very comfortable with our physical appearance. I question a man who finds it necessary to judge another man's looks. Insecurity Perhaps. But I'll leave that for you and your therapist to discuss. I did notice that you're sponsored by a day salon and spa. Where I come from that's considered ladies territory. However, I'm sure you have wonderful... Defending Troy Smith or REX SNIDER is DEAD WRONG!- July 3, 2007 Rex, you said I could respond to your most recent blog without pulling punches so I'm doing it. You're a good guy, a great host, and I'm glad I had a chance to sit next to you at our staff dinner but the logic in your piece about Troy Smith's question to Roger Goodell at the NFL Rookie Symposium is seriously flawed. On our show, my brother and I hold athletes accountable all the time. This includes Pac Man Jones, Michael Vick, Ricky Williams, Tank Johnson, Josh Hancock and maniac animals like... |