The Angelo John Lewis Blog at phillyBurbs.comA blog at, a Calkins Media Incorporated company.Heroes-related web content- May 29, 2007 Not too long ago NBC Digital Entertainment announced the launch of new web content to hold &8216;Heroes&8217; fans over during the summer. The show comes back on September 24 I believe. NBC Digital Entertainment&8217;s new web series is called &8216;Inside Heroes&8217;. It will consist of 8 webisodes that will ... Google Maps- May 11, 2007 Google recently announced an initiative to make it easy for people to use Google Maps code to share their knowledge about their neighborhoods and other favorite places by creating customized maps that can assemble information from a variety of sources. Already on the Net are a variety of innovative map ... Interesting essay on Internet leetspeak- May 10, 2007 A user on the website I Can Has Cheezburger has posted an essay analyzing and detailing some background information on what Internet users call &8220;leetspeek&8221;. The essay is titled A Special In-Depth Analysis by David McRaney - L337 Katz0rz and is surprisingly accurate and, get this, in-depth, in both it&8217;s ... Watch What You Post on MySpace!- May 8, 2007 Because Stacy Synder posted this rather innocuous photo of herself in full party mode, Millersville University denied her a teaching degree on the eve of her graduation. According to the Associated Press, the picture shows Snyder during a 2005 Halloween Party wearing a pirate cap and drinking from ... |