The Angelo John Lewis Blog at phillyBurbs.comA blog at, a Calkins Media Incorporated company.Web-based Apps Digging into Microsofts Turf- June 25, 2007 The article&8217;s title (No Download Required: 30+ Apps That Are Killing Microsoft) is overkill, but the author makes the point that the new generation of often-free web-based tools means that users may find fewer reasons to pay big bucks for bloatware desktop Office Suites. Although programs like Google Docs are ... Widget World- June 19, 2007 MySpace, Pageflakes, Google and Yahoo start pages are all part of a larger trend that facilitates the ability of average web users to have their own digital platforms. Within these platforms, you or I can interact with friends, view newsinformationentertainment of choice, and have our mail delivered. We can view ... Topping the King of Search- June 18, 2007 During the days of Google&8217;s infancy, I shelled out $79 for Copernic Agent Professional, which bills itself as the &8220;definitive Internet Search &038; Tracking Tool.&8221; A fairly sophisticated metasearch agent, I used it occasionally. I&8217;ve also used Clusty, the graphical search Kartoo, up-and-comer and countless others. But I ... |