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Feed items 1 - 6 of 6 for June 2008

api | Kris Smith has read these articles about "api" |

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SalesForce-to-Google and the PaaS Lock-in Question from - June 24, 2008

Today's news from the more SaaS-y part of cloud-land is that's platform,, now integrates with more of Google, in an even tighter way. The Announcement The ongoing idea here is to move all the on-premise, enterprise software up to the cloud, which here means the sort of classic idea of a SaaS, backed with middle-ware and programming as you'd expect in business applications. You know, cloud as URL users go to, not cloud as a bunch of virtualized servers you deploy your..

Last Stand at Yahoo - June 20, 2008

The long exodus of executives from Yahoo has turned into a stampede, as Sam Gustin noted on Tech Observer on Thursday. Some 50 top Yahoo executives have left the company since January 2007.With the thinning of management ranks, the company is now considering a radical reorganization, Jessica Vascellaro of the Wall Street Journal reports. The plan, which is being pushed by Susan Decker, Yahoo&39;s president, would "centralize numerous product groups, such as its mail, search and home-page..

The Huffington Post's next expansion: Local news, more venture funding - June 20, 2008

Co-founder and political pundit Arianna Huffington said at a conference that localized editions of the site, starting with Chicago, are on the way. It'll need more venture capital to kick that off.Tags: huffington venture editions localized kick

Dinner Tonight: Spaghetti with Tomato and Orange Juice - June 18, 2008

From Recipes Tomato season is achingly close, but it&39;s not here yetnot in New York, at least. I&39;ve resisted the temptation to eat fresh tomatoes for months, except maybe a cherry variety once in awhile. Soon I&39;ll be chopping up the ones in my garden, tossing them in a bowl with olive oil, garlic and basil leaves, and waiting around for everything to marinate. Mix it all with pasta and call it a day. In the meantime, this recipe for spaghetti with tomato and orange juice from..

Dell challenges the Eee with... the E!! - June 13, 2008

The sleek, whore-red Dell subnotebook Gizmodo spotted Michael Dell wandering around with at All Things D has been officially announced and named, and it's called the Dell E. I love it. It says everything about Dell: they put together pretty good computers for not a lot of money, but they're so creatively bankrupt that they don't even blink at stealing the product name of their biggest competitor. I mean, you'd at least expect a moist sound of embarrassment to gurgle out of Dell's PR orifice,...

Finding the natural size for your company - June 6, 2008

Popular perception holds that companies must always be growing or they're dying. There's either up or down, win or lose, success or failure. I think that's a harmful dichotomy that leads to the death of perfectly viable companies in their quest for constant growth. Not all companies are meant to have thousands of employees or a billion-dollar market cap. Some companies are meant to be just 10 people or 5 people or just one guy. That's what their product, niche, or technique is capable of...
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