Truer Words - A JournalThe online journal of Seth Dillingham: faith, family, code, cycling, joy, and pain.This Round's On Me- February 22, 2008 Part of my standard morning routine is to go to the Dunkin Donuts, just a mile from my house, for an extra large coffee. This morning I was running a bit late and hadn't had any breakfast, so I ordered a bagel sandwich with it. My total came to $4.87, and I paid with my debit card as I usually do. This evening, Corinne was looking at our online banking, and started yelling something like, "What the heck!" I went to see what was wrong... 52 charges from Dunkin Donuts today. All different.... Decay and Delapidation- February 19, 2008 Rich gave me a link to a single picture of a tree growing out of a mound of old books. Fascinated, I looked through the entire set. The set made me cry. At the bottom of every picture in the set is a link to a weblog post called Sweet Juniper about the photographer's thoughts on decay and delapidation in Detroit, and his reaction to the nearly overwhelming emotions evoked by those pictures. The contrast he draws between the abandoned train station and the abandoned schoolbooks gave me... Life, the Universe, and Everything- February 11, 2008 Shannon started working last week at the Staples in New London. Shannon's mom came up for the week with Shannon's son, Richie. For about half the week Richie was here with us, the other half he was with her mom. She also gave Shannon her manual-transmission Jeep. We're working on teaching Shannon to drive it. Shannon doesn't stall at every intersection, and she doesn't panic every time there's a car approaching on the right. I have the flu. The Blazer and Toyota are both on the road again.... Stupid Blazer- February 5, 2008 Late last year we spent about $1,000 getting some things fixed on the Blazer. Shortly after that we found that it had no heat, and there was a serious grinding noise coming from the vicinity of one of the wheels. A few weeks ago, we started losing engine coolant. When I went to pick up Shannon, I had to fill the radiator twice (once before I left, once at the halfway house). Got that and the brakes fixed for about $400. (I hoped the brakes were causing the grinding, but I didn't really think... |