Truer Words - A JournalThe online journal of Seth Dillingham: faith, family, code, cycling, joy, and pain.Other BBEdit Language Modules- March 31, 2008 Rich read the Why I Wrote a JavaScript Module for BBEdit story, but like everyone else at Bare Bones decided to respond to me directly instead of posting something on the site. (Jim Correia has been guilty of this so many times it's now an old joke.) Anyway, he suggests that list the other languagesmodules I've added to BBEdit since the JavaScript module They are, in no particular order: Strings (for MacOS X developers) Python Markdown SQL (five flavors) Ruby Java TeX Lua YAML My... A New JS Mode for Emacs, and Why I Wrote a JS module for BBEdit- March 31, 2008 Stevey's Blog Rants: js2-mode: a new JavaScript mode for Emacs For the OOD-loving and API-minded among you, the "beautiful" way to do syntax coloring would have been to finish parsing, then walk the AST using a Visitor interface, applying the coloring in a second pass. I tried it, and it was, as they say, "butt slow". In fact (perhaps not surprisingly) walking the AST takes exactly as long as parsing, so it was twice as slow as doing it inline. So I bit the bullet and moved my... Ride 11: This Year It's All About the Pain- March 25, 2008 I want to be thin again. That thought kept running through my mind as I climbed Wintechog Hill, and every other hill this month. A couple of years ago was pretty good: I got down to 237. For a guy my height, that's pretty good. Certainly not overweight. But for at least one season, I'd like to be really light. Since I've had my laziest winter since buying the Seven, I have some extra weight to lose (I'm three or four pounds heavier than last year). Last year I rode 118 times, for a total of... Reset the Joe Grieco Timer- March 20, 2008 It's been quite awhile at least a year, I think but I just got another call for Joe Grieco. Those business cards he put out all those years ago were amazingly long-lived! Toddling Along...- March 19, 2008 Sunday afternoon while we drove up to Norwich to pick up pizza, Shannon and I "discussed" the fact that Lauren wasn't walking yet on her own. I said she'd walk when she was ready, and that it wouldn't be long. Probably this week. After we returned home, she went down to take a shower, and I watched Lauren. Corinne joined us in the livingroom for a little while and we talked about it. Corinne agreed with me, and agreed that Lauren would be walking very soon. She sat down on the floor and we... Mystic River on a March Evening- March 15, 2008 Lauren and I drove down to the Mystic River for some reason... i don't even rememeber why we were there, now. I had my camera with me (surprise!), and loved the light, so I took some shots. They're a little dark, but I like how they came out. The river was smooth but not quite glassy. The sun was setting behind us, but it lit up the clouds over the river.Would love to know which one(s) you think are best. Leave comments on the photos, or post something here, please.Because of Firefox's... Four Long Years- March 12, 2008 It has been four years today since Shane died. (Sure have been a lot of changes in our lives since then!) Sometimes it seems like it was just yesterday. That's both good and bad. We can still remember the sound of his voice, his devilish smile, the way he and his mom loved each other. But we also remember the pain of that day, and I particularly remember how close I came to losing Corinne at the same time, and the sound of her heart breaking when she screamed. March 12th reopens wounds every.. Annoying Color Space Issue in Firefox- March 4, 2008 Jim Correia and I spent a little time talking about this a few months ago, but I just noticed the problem again. Look at the following image:The image on the left is how Firefox 2 and 3 render it. The image on the right shows the same image in Safari. (You won't see any image if you're reading this in email, you'll have to go to the link above.)If you don't see the difference immediately, look at Lauren's face. The color in the one on the right is really good, and is why I marked this image as.. Happy First Birthday, Lauren!- March 3, 2008 This beautiful, happy, silly, little girl is one year old, as of today. It's almost impossible to believe. We had the birthday party at the ecclesial hall in Westerly, today. Angi Drake decorated for us, and Rachel Carlson (Corinne's friend from work) made dozens of cupcakes and a special "teddy bear cake" for Lauren, which she demolished. She got lots of presents from all of her "aunts and uncles." I'm making notes about who gave her gifts that make lots of noise. (I will repay...)... |